Coffee Filters - When They Aren't Just For Making Coffee
Obviously, coffee filters come in various shapes and sizes. If you have lots of them at home, there's no need to throw them out or to leave them forgotten in a cupboard. Filters are among the most useful items you can find at home.
Cleaning Agents
Filters are great for cleaning glass utensils and windows. This is because they are lint free and leave no streaks. They also work well however for cleaning spills on table tops and dust on electronic cables. They can even effectively clean and absorb oil and dirt from human skin.
Small Holders
They can be used to hold a variety of things. Coffee filters are especially useful for holding or serving small snacks during kids' parties. They can however also find their way to the garage where they can be used to conveniently organize nails, screws, bolts and other small handyman items.
Art Materials
Filters are often made of paper. That means they would be perfect for arts and crafts projects for little kids. They can be used for cutting and pasting figures or for applying paint.
Household Tools
Filters have a lot of other uses at home. The most common include serving as deodorizer and rust protector. Baking soda can be placed in filters and positioned in cabinets to absorb odor. They can also be used to absorb moisture in iron skillets to prevent rusting.
There are many other creative ways to use coffee filters. Because they are cheap and made of paper, you should never let them go to waste. Thinking of other ways to put them to good use can help protect the environment.
By Niki Rome