Different Coffee Methods: But Which One Do You Like?
Walk into any house or specialty coffee shop and you will find a myriad of different brands of coffees and methods of coffee brewing. Every one has their own coffee making process, but here are the most common methods explained.
Instant coffee, invented in the early 1900’s, has grown and improved over the years. Instant coffee is created by from coffee beans, but during the first stage of harvesting the coffee is made into a coffee concentrate by dehydrating the beans to produce a powder or grainy coffee substance. This allows consumers to just add water to the substance to enjoy a quick cup of coffee. This type of coffee stays fresher longer than traditional grinded coffee beans, but may lack the taste of a fresh brewed cup.
The filter method of brewing coffee is the most common used process today. Ground coffee beans are measured into a filter and then hot water is poured on top. This can be done by hand or in an electric coffee pot, which can be found in just about any home across the world.
The percolator method consists of placing coarsely ground coffee in a metal filter that is placed in a pitcher with cold water. The percolator heats the cold water, making it bubble up into the metal filter. After the percolating process if finished, a nice pot of coffee is ready and waiting to be consumed.
The espresso method of brewing, which was perfected by Italy, forces hot water through a finely grinded coffee bean, making a very strong coffee solution. It then is drained through the machine into cups. If desired, Espresso can become a lighter, frothy liquid known as cappuccino just by adding steamed milk. Espresso is commonly drunk in the United States and beyond, and is considered a delicacy.
The Arab or Turkish coffee brewing method is very easy – the ground coffee bean and two teaspoons of sugar are boiled three times in an ibriq – a small copper pot. This coffee brewing method isn’t all too common in the United States, but is a general practice for Arab culture.
Brewing Flavored coffee is also commonly used in specialty coffee venues and homes across the United States. One can easily purchase different flavored coffee beans in grocery stores or specialty coffee shops for a pretty penny. In order to make coffee beans contain added flavors, they are combined during the roasting process. Different flavors like chocolate, hazelnut and vanilla are added on the bean while they are being roasted. Then the beans are processed as usual, and sent to markets world-wide. Instead of purchasing the flavored coffee beans, one can actually add special syrups containing flavoring right to their cup – something many specialty coffee shops offer.
The plunger method of coffee brewing involves warming a pot and then adding coarsely ground coffee beans in the bottom of it. Hot water is then added to create coffee. One can purchase mesh to divide the coffee beans from the liquid, but they do not last long. This method isn’t at all convenient, and may turn up grounds in your drinking experience. This is commonly used for camping and other outdoor activities if a percolator isn’t readily available.
By Robert Michael
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