Monday, October 13, 2008

Italian Coffee

Espresso, caffè normale and cappuccino are types of Italian coffee, and one might wonder if there are as many types of coffee in Italy as there are pastas. Quite surprisingly, there are and just like pasta, Italian coffee is also an art form linked to many customs and traditions. Be it a caffè corretto shot down like a drink, a cappuccino and brioche that would make a lovely snack, or a granita di caffè con panna to chill off from the hot noon sun, Italy has a coffee drink for every occasion and every mood.

The most famous of the Italian coffees are the cappuccinos -- the café corretto and café latte. Cappuccino is prepared with espresso and milk. A cappuccino is commonly identified as 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk and 1/3 frothed milk. Cappuccino is preferably served in a ceramic coffee cup to retain the heat, instead of glass or paper that is a comparatively poorer heat retainer. Café corretto is a coffee "corrected" with a measure of grappa, cognac or any other alcoholic content. Latte is Italian for milk, and café latte refers to coffee prepared with a larger measure of hot milk in it rather than coffee.

There are many other styles of Italian coffee, and they have all become world famous. In fact, Italy is the coffee house of the world, and has contributed to the entire world many different styles of coffee that have so become a part of our culture and lives. Even espresso had its origins in Italy. It was from Italy that Starbucks got most of their coffee recipes and rose to fame quickly in the West. Despite all the progress and spread of the coffee culture, Italy still remains the coffee capital of the world.

By Alison Cole