Monday, January 19, 2009

Organic Coffee - Here's to Your Health and the Health of the Planet!

We often hear about organic-this and organic-that, but most people don't know what that term means or why is it important to our ever-changing world. In food related matters, organic refers to the way a product is grown. Organic agriculture utilizes conservation practices that protect water, air, and soil - all of which are certainly is an investment in the future of our planet. Additionally, organic products are grown without using chemically based pesticides and fertilizers. By choosing to purchase products such as organic coffee, you are essentially doing a good thing both for yourself and for the planet. Organic coffee growers go to great lengths to insure there are no synthetics, preservatives, or additives in their product. In doing so, they produce some of the best coffee in the world.

Organic coffee is the healthiest form of coffee available. The rich bodied, whole coffee bean is full of antioxidants, has no synthetics, preservatives, or additives, and contains natural enzymes. If that isn't enough, when the organic whole bean is ground and brewed properly, the taste transcends any other conventionally grown coffee bean. Organic coffee growers can be found around the globe, from Kenya, Africa, to Kona, Hawaii. The whole bean product comes to us from Mexico, Costa Rica, Jamaica, Columbia, and Ethiopia. Whole coffee beans can be blended with other flavors and can be caffeinated or not. An amazing product and certainly the best way to start the day!

Deciding how to go about getting the best cup of brewed organic coffee begins with an understanding of the equipment necessary to make the perfect cup. Most people know whether they are looking for a cup of black coffee or something a little more sophisticated, like a latte or espresso. No matter the outcome, it all starts with the bean and the coffee grinder. The grinder is used to turn the roasted coffee beans into a usable form and the consistency of the grinding needs to match the brewing method. A simple rule of thumb is to use a coarse grind for coffee exposed to heated water for a longer period of time. A fine grind is used for brewing espresso coffee. Essentially, when using a coffee grinder, a person can control the length of time and degree of grind, thus ensuring the best cup of coffee for their personal taste.

The next step to the perfect cup of organic coffee is deciding upon the coffee maker or espresso maker to best meet individual preferences. There are lots of great products on the market and it bears researching the top machines available to help produce the award-winning cup of latte, or espresso. There really aren't words to describe the aroma of the perfectly ground and brewed cup of organic coffee. The overwhelming satisfaction of treating yourself to the perfect roast and blend of organic beans is sublime. Experimenting with the different types of organic whole beans available is fun and rewarding as well!

Spend your time and money on the perfect whole beans, the right coffee grinder and a great coffee machine. You won't be sitting in the drive through line at the local coffee joint once you make this investment! Your organic coffee adventure awaits you.

By Chris Robertson